Composting Our Karma book release
The Kwan Um School of Zen is delighted to announce that our School Zen Master Soeng Hyang has a long awaited book of her teachings coming out December 10th! The book is called Composting Our Karma: Turning Confusion into Lessons for Awakening Our Innate Wisdom. Order your copy now through Shambala Publications with the friends and family discount code KARMA30!
The book focuses on Zen Master Bobby Rhodes’ experiences of the teachings she learned from her teacher, Zen Master Seung Sahn. Learn to cultivate a clear mind, improve your intuition, feel naturally at ease, and generate the compassionate wisdom to face whatever arises.
Barbara Rhodes offers the Korean Zen teaching of don’t-know mind as an antidote to the overthinking, overly-stimulating modern world that is the cause of so much suffering. Rhodes shows us that there are ways we can work with, or “compost,” whatever we’ve got in front of us, digest it into energy that can get us through the rough times, and cultivate a satisfying life. And she offers fascinating insights from her professional life as a nurse, commitment to engaged Buddhism, life experience as a member of the LGBTQ community, and more.
In celebration of the book’s release, the friends and family discount KARMA30 can be used to purchase the book through Shambhala Publications here through January 10th.